‘Without exaggeration working with Rachel set me on a path of change that completely & positively changed my life for the better. I would never have imaged that this change would be so powerful. The work we completed during our course of coaching made lots of tiny shifts in me that effectively changed the way I thought and in doing so helped me bring about the change needed to find love, create a family, find the home of my dreams and even more career success… it’s actually almost unbelievable. I’m so happy I took the step to invest in her and my happier future.”
I wanted to grow my businesses and take them to the next level, plus, take myself out of the day-to-day operations so that I could enjoy more time on leisure interests – and my inventions. Rachel originally challenged and helped me to set three inspiring goals with a strong, compelling Vision and create a plan to achieve them and has supported and held me accountable ever since.
Learning about the brain and what constitutes a positive energetic mindset has enabled me to change my thinking and enhance and expand the team and systemise the entire sales process. She has collaborated with me to create new, marketing ideas that are fun and motivating to implement.
As a result of being coached by Rachel, Red Box London has gone from six to seven figures in turnover, and I purchased my dream glider – achieving my Vision.
In addition, my patented Back Box Saver has broken through to being stocked in mainstream electrical retailers and increased sales.
I needed to step back and think about how I could take a more coaching approach with the team and challenge myself to get involved in new areas beyond my comfort zone. Rachel helped me to identify a clear goal, create the strategy and has been supportive and encouraging along the way, holding me to account to ensure I do what I said I would do!
The coaching sessions with Rachel have for me been a key part of the UK Sport Elite Coach programme. She has helped me with the many diverse challenges that have arisen in the run up to and the aftermath of a successful Olympic Games in Rio. Her impartial approach has supported and amplified the personal development from the residentials to make me a better coach and a more confident leader.
I had been in post under 3 months and was facing big decisions about staffing restructures, cultural change and general repositioning of myself. I had a mixture of emotions at the time. Rachel has helped me to acknowledge the positives and successes I have had in my new role and helped me to think creatively for solutions to the challenges I have faced. She has supported me to feel confident in my decision making and has not let me shy away from the bigger tough decisions that need to be made. Through working with Rachel, I am more confident with my imaginative / creative ideas which I’d sometimes stayed away from for the fear that they were ‘too out the box’! The impact of my work with Rachel is evident in the changes I have confidently implemented across the World Class Programme and the style and way I have conducted myself during these changes. I feel I’m more aware of myself in certain situations and the impact I can have on others and am bringing elements of positive psychology and neuroscience into my approach more naturally now
Before starting coaching with Rachel, I found myself not being resourceful and lacking resiliency. I knew & recognised that in leading my part of the business, I was reacting to challenges & and unexpected outcomes in a way that didn’t help me in my private life and certainly was not translating to effective leadership. I was taking everything super personally and in turn my behaviour reflected this.
I took the responsibility of the team and business area performance to heart. I rarely celebrated success – team or personal success. I tried to ‘manage’ people and situations as opposed to ‘leading’, guiding & coaching. I wasn’t focused on what I could do to help the individuals perform better. I saw everything as ‘my’ failure. I knew that I needed to change but I didn’t have the headspace, tools and thinking to work through how differently things could look. My wife commented that I was bringing ‘things’ home more & more.
I knew that I needed outside help to develop tools and techniques to improve the way that I behaved and the way that I lead the team. Right after the first coaching call with Rachel, I realised that this was the way I was going to change. I was able to define what success looked like for the team, for the business area and for me. This translated into a series of behavioural changes that have made me more focused on enabling and supporting the team. I have the responsibility for setting vision & direction, and now adopt a Servant Leadership approach – as challenged by Rachel!
I am now aware of how my behaviour and communication style impacts others. I am calmer in difficult situations and despite the impact of COVID-19 on business and how it has changed the way we work; I have continually adapted. I completed a 360-degree feedback process which positively highlighted the changes I have made. We run a ‘People Pulse’ survey every 6 months. Between the 2019 & 2020 surveys, I’ve seen a significant move upwards in my Leadership Trust score. This is directly attributable to the coaching that I have received from Rachel and the way that she’s helped me. Nominated as a Catalyst in 2020, I’ve created a challenge with a global team called -“Servant Leadership in High Performing Sales
Over the last year I have successfully developed key relationships (75%, improved ways of engagement with my team and other non-direct reports 80% and the career journey to be CEO ready (80%). The work continues well, and I have found the coaching sessions to be a very positive experience where I have been challenged to push myself.
I was in a bit of a rut, and I’d lost my mojo. Rachel really helped me to go back to square one and look at my values. I found Rachel really inspiring and the whole process was thought provoking and motivating.
In just three sessions, Rachel was able to help me create a simple, effective and actionable plan to improve my own coaching style of leading my team. I left our conversations feeling energised, confident and have seen improvement since we started working together. I also picked up some effective coaching techniques simply from observing how Rachel runs her coaching sessions.
Rachel has been a stellar coach over the years. Her approach is client focused, flexible, and yet precise and effective. Her neuroscience knowledge adds additional depth and richness.
I was having challenges managing the balance between work, life and myself. I very often worked hard to ensure that my family and work buckets were full up, but often left my own personal bucket empty – leaving me feeling lacking in self-confidence. I needed to manage my time and accept that my own health and wellbeing was part of being the best of me! Rachel challenged me to set goals, talk through what I was going to do, how I was going to plan my actions and be accountable for them. As a result of the coaching, I saw a dramatic change in my personal well-being and life balance. I felt confident in how I was developing within all 3 buckets of life, career, and health. I lost a stone and a half in weight!
So, a huge thank you to Rachel Bamber for a truly insightful and wonderful experience in coaching. I was sceptical at first what coaching could do for me, but I am now on a path of focus, energy, and a greater insight in what motivates me. My biggest surprise was how quickly you can turn things around, how much you can learn about yourself in such a short space of time and that you have all the answers within. I would highly recommend Rachel and will keep track of her work for future inspiration.
I did not believe that I COULD be a mother, respectful wife AND an ambitious creative professional ALL-IN-ONE and was constantly sabotaging one of these roles while over focusing and getting frustrated with others. I had a self-destructive mindset, a lack of confidence and fear in putting myself out there, perfectionism, a weak professional network and aligned and impactful communication.
Rachel encouraged and believed in me. She created a psychologically safe, supportive, AND challenging action-oriented presence in each coaching session, where I showed vulnerability, courage, a willingness to get out there and commitment to get things done. This gave me peace of mind, confidence, clarity, clear direction, action and tangible results.
I was in a transitional state, where one chapter of my life was (unknowingly for me) coming to an end and a new one starting, which led me to feel unhappy, anxious and slightly depressed. I had ignored my own core values to fit into an environment where they were not appreciated.
With Rachel’s help, I was able to look at my professional and personal life and re-assess what is important to me, discover my Values and what’s important to me at work – and with friends and family. This resulted in quitting my job and turning towards creative areas which I had neglected for years. I am still at the beginning of this journey and it’s hard to quantify the result, but I can say that emotionally I feel on the right path to take control of my life and my path. This feels empowering, proud, and meaningful. Thank you, Rachel.
Rachel is a great coach, empathic and at the same time challenging. She provides exactly what you need to identify and reach your goals, by helping you change your thinking and behaviour.
There was something missing in my professional life. I felt uncertain and unhappy but had not figured out what to change – I did not even know where to start. Rachel helped me reflect on my values, my skills, and most importantly on what I would love doing. Soon, it was not about evaluating ideal jobs or a possible career change anymore, it was about assuming who I am. Thanks to Rachel I opened a door that had been there for years but that I never dared to unlock. I am now experiencing something completely new, something even a little crazy that is miles away from what people would have expected from me, and yet something that is so much me. Working with Rachel was a unique personal journey, and for me, it is just the beginning of an even better one.
Good things happen when Rachel is in your life!
Rachel has proven to be a really great mentor for me. At the start of our relationship I was standing in my own way. I was not able to see my dilemmas from a positive angle and felt that I had to decide between two bad options and choose the less worse one! I wasn’t clear on my true goals, or the direction that I wanted to take. Rachel coached me out of this. After just a few sessions with Rachel, I noticed my change in perspective: I was able to challenge my own mindset in a constructive way and find truly long term solutions for my dilemmas. At the end of the coaching, I felt clarity, a sense of purpose and freedom in my choices. As a result, I decided to change career and my happiness and satisfaction levels have dramatically increased. Thanks, Rachel!
Rachel is very likeable, intuitive and I immediately felt at ease with her. Rachel asked just the right questions to get me thinking in much more productive ways. One of her strengths is her great insight into neuroscience.
I was stuck in a rut at work and very unhappy. I couldn’t see the wood from the trees and it was really affecting my mental health. I was making decisions that were not supporting my future. Rachel helped me to take the breath that was required and focus my energies on what I want, need and feel. As a result of only six sessions with Rachel (From Crossroads to Clarity), I have renewed energy and focus and ultimately a career changing decision was made!
I was not in love with my partner. I was not enjoying my work either, which made me feel rubbish and in addition, I was feeling guilty about money. I wasn’t doing anything about any of this as I could not face being honest with myself. Rachel helped and challenged me to realise that there were steps that I could take to get myself out of these situations and that I would feel much better and move into circumstances that actually make me feel good.
In six sessions with Rachel, I achieved all three goals that I had set at the start. Plus, I feel motivated and have started a project of my own. I am now more direct with people and more honest with myself. I have options about what I will do with money and feel good about it.
Rachel helped me set goals that felt alive! I’m energised to start working towards achieving them.
My initial coaching session with Rachel helped me to tap into what makes me happy and allows me
to express myself.
Life coaching enabled me to look at myself and how I can achieve my aims, in a clearer and
objective manner. The process was personally challenging and enjoyable. Rachel’s style was
encouraging and supportive and I am glad that I was coached by her.
I decided on a course of coaching to enable me to reach a number of personal and business goals
that had always eluded and frustrated me. I was amazed that over a twelve-week course I actually
achieved these goals. Rachel has given me the confidence, skills and structure to overcome
obstacles. The result is a more positive and contented person.
Being coached by Rachel helped me to make changes in my life that I had been putting off for a long
time. The process was exciting, challenging and insightful. I am proud of the person that I have
become through being coached by Rachel.
A great opportunity to hold a mirror up to my self-limiting beliefs. It seems so obvious, yet it would be
impossible to get this realisation without the coaching from Rachel. I have moved forward with things
that I just kept putting off and developed some personal habits, which keep me on track and help me
excel in what I am doing. Thank you for listening and responding to what I wanted and maintaining
control of the big picture for me.
I had limiting beliefs, resistance and a lack of confidence which impacted all areas of my life as I was
not allowing myself to be where I wanted to be. I felt stuck and not moving forward. I felt everything
was a struggle. I needed a safe environment to overcome my fears. As a result of coaching with
Rachel, I have shifted in thought, perception and reaction. I believe and listen to myself even more.
Rachel helped me to identify a greater awareness of the need to speak out more clearly about own
needs/wants, rather than attend to needs of others.
I was stuck with loads of ideas about what I wanted to achieve and difficulty trying to prioritise them. I
had a clear idea about where I wanted to go and my end game for 12 months time but no idea about
how to get there, both financially, with my “job” and with my time. I just seemed to be treading water.
I had previously recovered from a thyroid disorder which had made it difficult to lose weight and had
also knocked a lot of confidence out of me. I was ambitious but felt I needed to push on to the next
level. I needed a coach to help me focus on what was important to me and to remind myself of all the
talents within.
I now feel 110% better in myself. My confidence is sky high. I have rediscovered what is important to
me and made discoveries of talents and passions for lots of new things. Being coached by Rachel
has contributed to 2007 being a great year. Better still I am confident that 2008 will now be a superb
I was unsure of what to do or where to go generally. I was unable to think clearly and felt a loss of
control. I lacked confidence and self-belief. I needed to have the confidence to make a life changing
decision – to leave my husband and to go for the Head of Department role I had been too scared to
take; and to realise that I did know how to do things, that I could rely on myself.
As a result from having coaching with Rachel, I became Head of the Fashion Department, which
meant more money, so that I could afford to move out; as well as being beneficial to my career. I
left my relationship, which has shown me I can do it alone – in fact people are asking me how I did it
now! So the tables have turned somewhat! Friends say I seem happier and more confident than
ever. I feel more relaxed in myself and in control.
I was experiencing a lack of confidence, lack of capacity to reward or congratulate myself, achieving
things by overstretching and not taking enough care of myself. I had never learned how to say ‘well
done’ to myself nor to really appreciate the value of my own work. I needed appreciation from others
to “exist”! I also had a blurry ambition and vague plan, which didn’t help to sustain my own business.
Having coaching with Rachel enabled me to get over my fears or lack of confidence by appreciating
the discipline I could design for myself and implement. I learnt to believe in myself and take the time
to celebrate my success. I attained a nice workflow and an enjoyable leisure time! Finally, I was able
to pause and reflect on my activities.
From Rachel’s coaching, I got great, compact and measurable results in a very short span of time.
Rachel was bold and gentle all together to sustain my eagerness to achieve. She was always
attentive to make sure I stayed kind to myself. She picked up my “language” and worked straight
away with it by designing exercises that were fit for my needs. I learned a lot about myself and a lot
about coaching simultaneously.
The technique and the structure used were followed as planned, however with great creativity and my
tangible goals were 100% achieved.
The coaching session led by Rachel was so powerful and inspiring. I set up three very important
goals with strong motivation to carry them out within certain period of time. Rachel supported me
through that process and it was great. Rachel, thank you very much!
Rachel was firm and encouraging, guiding me to a choice of positive thoughts and phrasing and
between us we crafted three constructive, relevant goals for me to aspire to. The session was useful
to crystallise my thoughts on where I am and where I would rather be.
Before I attended, I was feeling a little bit confused about which direction I should go in and
wondering if accepting the job in Guatemala was the right thing to do. After the session I felt very
calm and knew that making this huge life change is the right thing to do. The session was really
useful: a great way of looking at myself and what I really want and gave me the confidence to know
that I can go for it and that I can achieve my goals.
The goal-setting session has been a fruitful experience: a very good summary of all my thoughts
going through my mind since the beginning of this year. Writing my goals down has been a big step
and it has felt as relief. It has also helped me to recognize the benefits of one-to-one coaching. It has
given me the opportunity of talking to someone objectively and without fear of being judged.
I had only met Rachel once before – very briefly – at the Olympia ‘One Life’ fair – and was impressed
that she remembered ‘the dreams’ I had told her! She must have met so many people on that day!
She has the ability to really focus on her clients needs, and has highly professional and structured
methods of encouraging them to organise their thoughts and ideas. This makes setting goals so
much easier! It is so refreshing to meet someone who really listens!
Rachel is highly professional; serious but with a light touch, insightful and yet creating the space for
me to access my own thinking. She is warm, sensitive and practical too: I felt I was in good hands. I
was able to pin down what I needed to do and to eliminate the things that were not essential to me
making things happen. This was like a breath of fresh air. I would recommend coaching with Rachel!
Rachel used a variety of coaching tools as well as her tremendous insight into people and situations
to help me analyse my values, strengths, weaknesses and motivations. She has enabled me to form
a much clearer picture of what I want from life – as opposed to what other people think I should want!
– and provided me with various techniques as to how to achieve this.
I would recommend Rachel as a coach and guide to anybody who wants to make a real and lasting
change in their life.
I was stuck and feeling confused and frustrated around a couple of important areas in my life.
Firstly, my husband and I had invested a 6-figure sum in a business, which (for a variety of reasons)
had lain dormant for around 3 years. In addition, I was feeling very dissatisfied with our predictable
and unvaried social life – we weren’t having enough fun. Letting the problems drag on, I was making
a number of assumptions that were stopping me from making progress.For example, I was always worrying about my husband’s chronic back pain and repeatedly thinking that
lots of social activities were restricted because of this. Also, I kept waiting for others to make things happen.
“I needed to be more decisive, to take the initiative, and to create more certainty for both myself and
others. I also needed to be more mindful of what I needed, balancing this with a concern for what
others need. As a result of having a twelve-week coaching series with Rachel:
I was looking for some support to get some control on my ‘out of control’ work life – too many lists
and demands on my time that I was finding hard to manage. It was making me physically exhausted,
yet I was still trying to fulfill every request on my time without being able to say no. Rachel helped
me simplify my confused and tired brain. Whereas I felt, before coaching, that I couldn’t cope, she
helped me identify the real issues and develop strategies to manage them and a series of prompts to
keep myself on track. Her help was invaluable and her energy and positivity really helped me find my
way through the problem and out the other side.
I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to be coached by Rachel. She has incredible energy
and communicated an absolute belief in my ability to achieve everything I set out to. Her experience
shows through in her ability to know exactly when to challenge and when to ease off, this really
helped me keep my focus on the things I really wanted. She has been very generous with her
support, both during sessions and in between. With her help I have tackled many of the things that
don’t come naturally to me, and my business is developing as a result. However, I have also grown in
ways that are perhaps more important: my relationship is stronger and I have changed some
destructive habits in the way that I view my body.
I was feeling overwhelmed by all the demands on my time: I was trying to start a new business,
whilst earn income through part-time consultancy and look after two small children under age three.
Feeling like the days were not long enough, I was exhausted and generally felt guilty whatever I was
doing! I was also driving myself as hard as I did before becoming a mother, underestimating and
undervaluing the time it takes to run a household and bring up children. Rachel challenged me to
realise that striving for perfection was getting in the way of enjoying life. I now set myself more
realistic goals and am able to feel a sense of achievement, instead of failure at the end of each day.
My levels of stress are significantly reduced and my general health has also improved.
2009 had been a difficult year, with contracts cancelled due to the recession. It was a struggle to
keep motivated and confident to continue working for myself. I wanted to have a coach in my corner
to help keep me motivated towards my goals, give a second opinion and someone else to “work for”
other than myself.As a result I gained greater self confidence, as I took on more work this year, as well as renewed
motivation to do the kind of work that is in line with my personal purpose. All my goals were
achieved 100% and I have continued with the actions once the coaching finished. Rachel is a great
coach, with a great balance of personal empathy and techniques to keep you calm, motivated and
focused. If you are looking for a coach who knows all about our brains and will help you change your
thinking and behavioural habits as well as achieve new goals, Rachel will help you do this. Her
coaching is efficient and effective as well as being great value for money! I highly recommend
Rachel has been an absolutely brilliant support, managing our coaching sessions expertly and getting
me to new insights fast. She has been able to adapt to a range of challenging situations through the
series, always keeping me moving forward with a clear focus and committing me to action. Working
with Rachel has been a really brilliant opportunity and I would not hesitate to recommend her.
With the help of Rachel’s coaching, I’ve gone from lackluster to bursting with energy, motivation and
commitment to make my business a success. My most significant insight has been to keep taking
action without worrying about whether or not it’s exactly the right thing to do. The amazing thing is
that although I made this connection whilst discussing my career, I realised that it had much wider
implications and had been stopping me from moving forward in other areas of my life.Rachel is the easiest person to talk to – she listens with passion and I always feel understood and
very comfortable even talking about sensitive issues. I can’t thank or recommend Rachel highly
enough for her gentle, empathetic and patient approach, which allowed me to work at my pace and
discover solutions that really work for me. Coaching with Rachel has given me the best platform in
which to tackle areas of my life that were underperforming! Be warned, she always asks the question
you don’t want to answer, however it’s great to be stretched and achieve things you never imagined!
Knowing that I was working in the wrong role prior to redundancy, I was feeling unclear on how to
find the kind of work/role that I can be passionate about and uncertainty about the marketability of
my skills and in what direction I should go. I needed to develop clarity of purpose and to increase
my self-confidence, self-belief and have support in making changes. I achieved much more in terms
of business and personal development in a short period of time with Rachel than I would ever have
done alone. My goals were focused and the path towards achieving them became clearer.
Rachel provides the space for much needed reflection, the time and incentive to think through some
of the nitty gritty issues which are often pushed to the back of the bottom drawer, and the sensitivity
to do so in a way which both challenges and supports you through that journey. She is an expert at
enabling you to move one stage at a time, whilst retaining the bigger picture of what is impacting on
your life right now. Rachel provides an environment full of respect for what you hold important, and
is able to help you achieve deeper insights that lead to action and change in a very real way.
Rachel is a true inspiration. I’ve had many coaching sessions with her and every time she is able to
intuitively direct my attention to where it needs to be to get the results I’m after. Rachel has great
empathy and isn’t afraid to challenge any limiting beliefs or assumptions I might be holding onto.
She’s particularly brilliant at helping me to engage with a compelling vision for the future and uses
powerful questions that always slightly blow me away to get me there! She was born to coach and
engage those around her in fulfilling their dreams – no matter how large or small.
I was not taking care of myself, was highly stressed and motivation was gone. This was impacting
my home life. I needed to let go, find inner peace and relaxation and appreciate and love me for
who I am. Once this was done other parts in my life clicked in the right way. Following a 12 week
coaching series with Rachel, I feel a totally new person and I feel good about myself. I enjoy life.
Having reached all 3 goals means that Rachel is worth 100%.
Having recently emigrated from South Africa and not having too many connections, I did not feel
100% confident about starting my business and tended to procrastinate a lot to avoid doing the
things that would feel uncomfortable but move me forward. I needed to restore my confidence, stop
trying to reach perfection and translate my BIG goal into bite size chunks. Being coached by Rachel
gave me the kick start and more structure to starting my business.
When I first spoke to Rachel she said that coaching could be a life changing experience. After just
one session with Rachel I had set myself 3 incredible goals, things I had been thinking about doing
for some time but just hadn’t pushed myself to get on and do it. I left that session with real drive
and motivation to actually make things happen. Within just 2 weeks I was making changes both in
my personal and work life that will stay with me because I want them too. So life changing was
probably the right way to describe my experience and I thank Rachel for guiding me forward on to
the right road.
Like many working mothers, I was trying to be all things to all people and Rachel helped me
reposition my expectations of myself and concentrate upon the most important. I increased my
salary, moved home and considerably improved my fitness over the course of two series of
I contacted Rachel for help with the direction that my business was taking, as well as getting
assistance with more general planning in my work and personal life. When we first met, I was unsure
exactly what I wanted, so this initial time was essential for Rachel to help me identify my own needs
and set some clear and measurable goals. Half way through our sessions, a very simple example of a
job I had put off doing at home suddenly gave a very clear picture of how I could apply planning to
the rest of my working life and we had cracked two of my three goals. I finished my final session in a
completely different frame of mind to three months previously, very positive about my future and
confident that I can continue in the same vane without the regular weekly meetings with Rachel.
I now have a lot more clarity about my role and contribution, increased visibility and influence within
senior levels of the organisation; received a promotion into a growing role and consistently excellent
feedback on my results. Overall I strongly feel that the coaching process with Rachel benefited both
me personally and my employer.
The best thing about my sessions with Rachel was that I always left feeling elevated and positive.
When you are in the early stages of a new business, there are many challenges and things to worry
about. Rachel was great at helping me to regain my focus, set goals which excited and motivated me,
and made me feel confident that I could achieve them. This ultimately led to material successes
which I definitely give Rachel credit for. She is also such a lovely person that I always looked forward
to my sessions with her.
Prior to the coaching sessions, I had a certain amount of confusion in my head regarding what
direction my future career should take, which was exacerbated by feelings of self doubt and low self
esteem. The experience has taught me to believe in myself and my abilities, trust my instinct and
how to handle confusing thoughts and doubt. It has left me with a renewed enthusiasm for the new
direction my life is taking and empowered me to take (and be) in control.
I found Rachel to be perceptive of the key issues and able to get to the nub of the problem quickly.
She helpfully challenged me on my conclusions, was able to find order and instil confidence. Rachel
is professional yet relaxed, with an approachable manner and an excellent listener.
I like to think of myself as a motivated, high achieving individual – but was feeling like I’d hit a
ceiling and needed assistance in moving to the next level. As a result of my coaching with Rachel, I
now hold a more fundamental leadership role within the company, enjoy a number of much-improved
relationships at work, and generally find myself a calmer and more relaxed person – which, in turn,
has done wonders for my golf game!
My life has really turned around and I cannot believe I was that girl crying as I retold the story of my
boss to you last year, in 2014. With you I was able to free myself from a lot of the things that were
keeping me down. At the end of our sessions, I said that I felt like me again – energised and
confident, back with my can-do attitude. This is still the same now, nine months later!
I first approached Rachel having heard about the great work she did with my wife’s health and
fitness company. I wanted to start my own photographic business alongside my career as an actor. I
had been trying to get it off the ground for some time, but lacked focus, direction and the confidence
needed to do it. Rachel was instrumental in giving me a structure from which to work, opened up
many possibilities for me and gave me the drive to launch my new enterprise with confidence.
Rachel’s insights on both a personal level (realising my potential, my own confidence) were reconciled
with the setting up of practical and effective goals in order to achieve what I wanted. This included
identifying what I wanted out of my career(s) and my life. Not only is this helping me achieve a
career as a photographer, but it is also feeding in to my career as an actor. Rachel was extremely
empathetic and continues to feed her natural verve in to helping me even after our sessions have
now finished! She has a genuine interest and desire to facilitate success and I am extremely grateful
for her guidance and instruction.
Work wasn’t fun anymore and I was not sure where I wanted to go career-wise. I desired passion
back in my work and to know the options 6 years out. I wanted someone to challenge me and help
me talk through the process. I also required someone to help me take a step back and re-examine
things. Now, I feel more comfortable that I am on the right path and that I have done a good job at
getting myself to that path.