In twenty years of professional coaching, it’s rare that I meet someone who really does not know (deep down) what they want or what they would like to accomplish in the next few weeks, months, or year. With curious enquiry, they often have loads of ideas and dreams. Plus, countless things on an already exceptionally long to-do-list. Goals are not the challenge. Doing and completing them is though.
Am I right? Six months of the year have whizzed by and there are probably objectives that you have achieved already and forgotten and there are targets that were set that are now looming – and urgently need action or they will never happen by December.
So, if you have not done so already:
Celebrate January to June
Throw a party, jump up and down, and/or treat yourself / your team to something that honours the small and big wins.
Decide the priority goal for the next six months
Which one is the most important to achieve? Which one will contribute towards or positively impact the other goals that are still to be attained?
Ditch or delay the others. Only work on up to 3 different objectives concurrently, unless you want progress to be slow, your attention and focus to be low – and stress to be high!
Plan, plan, plan for consistent action
Goals that haven’t been achieved whether personal or professional have more than likely lacked a clear plan and/or consistent execution. There are many reasons why including: mindset, a lack of routine, indecisiveness, and procrastination. And you did not want them enough to overcome those obstacles at that time. Ouch! Yes, it may hurt to hear this. It’s the same for all of us…
Scrupulously avoid succumbing to these energy blockers during the next six months. Make changes, make time, upskill, and get support and accountability to keep your mojo high and your motivation and action super-charged!